Waste Removal Vancouver

Facts You Didn’t Know About Trash

Garbage –we see it every day; we deal with it every day.

For most homes, waste removal in Vancouver is fairly simple – you segregate waste at home, then you take the trash out for the local garbage collectors to pick up. For others who have an unusually high amount of waste because of recent home renovation or spring cleaning, there are reputable companies for waste removal within Vancouver that can be hired to do the garbage clean up.

The rise in the quantities of waste has been a continuously growing problem not only in Canada but in other countries as well.

Waste Removal

Here are some facts about the garbage you might not know about:

  • According to the Recycling Council of British Columbia or RCBC, around 67% of the trash within Canada is dumped in landfill sites.
  • As per CBC News, Canada is one of the countries producing the largest amounts of garbage in the world. Disposable items are among the types of garbage which make up a big portion of this waste.
  • Different types of plastic bottles take up various amounts of time to decompose. A common plastic bottle would take about 450 years to break down while there are other plastic bottles which could take as long as a thousand years to decompose.
  • It would take hundreds of years for disposable diapers to biodegrade.
  • You might also want to think twice before throwing away glass jars instead of reusing them because it actually takes a million years for glass materials to decompose.
  • Canadian households waste approximately $31 billion of food annually, according to a report in 2014 by Cut Waste, Grow Profit.
  • The RCBC has found out that around 31 million tons of junks are being produced by Canadians each year; and, just 30% of that 31 million ton of trash is being recycled.
  • You can save one tree if you recycle 54 kilograms of the newspaper.
  • It would take one millennium for an ink cartridge to decompose.
  • Around the globe, there are about 20-50 million metric tons of electronic or electrical waste that are produced each year.

It’s apparent that there are many types of waste that take a significantly long time to decompose. This means that these wastes, just like disposable diapers and glass items, would just sit there and occupy space in landfill sites once we dispose of them. As of now, there are some landfill areas that are nearly on their limits. Therefore, recycling and reusing items rather than throwing them away and avoiding using disposable stuff has become more important than ever.