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Common Household Items You Can Actually Recycle

Proper waste management is a truly helpful way to contribute to saving our planet. Being a typical resident of the area, it’s likely that your routine for the handling of waste is simple: whenever you got junk, Vancouver government collects it after you have segregated it and taken it out for them to collect.

However, if you want to do more for the environment, you can go the extra mile and try another activity that could help the planet, too — recycling.

Recycling would not only reduce waste products, it can help you get in touch with your creative side, as well. If you have items you are planning to get rid of from your home, you may be surprised that some of them can be turned into something else that could be used again.

If you got junk from Vancouver households such as bubble wraps or used cartons, don’t be so quick to throw them away; you can use them again in storing fragile or breakable items.

Another common junk from your home that you can use again is water bottles. Used water bottles can be used as mini-sprinklers to water your plants. Simply make small holes on the bottle cap, then fill the bottle with water once more and it is ready to be used.

Old jeans can be reused as other wearable items. You can cut the lower portion of the jeans and turn them into a pair of shorts. Or, if you have got great sewing skills, you can turn them into bags. If you have ripped jeans you are in need or repairing, you can use old jeans to patch holes or rips on your jeans.

Used ice cream containers can be used to store various items, too. You may store some food items in them as well – for instance, you can put fresh fish in a washed ice cream container before putting it in the freezer.

Glass jars, after being cleaned thoroughly, can be reused to store some kitchen spices or seasonings such as salt, pepper, sugar, and so on. Not only that, used glass jars are now commonly being used again to store some small, decorative items for your home –and it can look quite artistic, too!

These are just some of the most common household items you can turn into something new through recycling. Once you get into recycling, you would realize that the possibilities are endless.

Probably one of the best things about recycling is it gives you the ability to do something good for the environment while having fun.